What are we doing?

We have all given money to charity at some point. Maybe a regular donation, maybe a on off gift of a few coins thrown into a collection tin at Christmas. But where does it go?

Yes, we know roughly. We know that we have donated to education in Africa, homelessness in London or medicine in Papua New Guinea. We get that fuzzy warm feeling that we’ve done something good, then we go on our way.

But where does it go?

What have we actually achieved by giving money? How many people have been impacted? Did out gift, money which have worked hard to earn, really reached those most in need? Could it have been put to better use?

These are the questions that have got us thinking. How can we start to ensure that the money we give goes to the right places and reaches the people who most need it?

It sounds easy but it’s a complex question.

But if we don’t know, how can we get better?

There are so many challenges in the world that need your money. The fact you have been willing to give is something amazing.

We just want to make sure that its going to the right place.

In the great US of A, they call it “bang for your buck”. And in a nutshell, that is the platform we are working on.

Thank you!


Just ask them.