Give(Impact) a bit of data…
We look up a new pair of trousers online and suddenly we are bombarded with ads for trousers. Mention you are interested in a holiday to Greece and your phone starts to put in adverts of Greek hotels.
Its scary how much data is out there, how much of a trail we leave behind. Artificial intelligence is only making it worse! There is no escape!
So why should companies, charities, institutions know so much about you, but continue to be opaque themselves?
Getting information about supply chains is hard, getting information about where your money is going is even harder.
GiveImpact wants to change all that. The goal of the task is simple – transparency. We want to make the gift you give transparent so you can answer the questions you have like whether your gift really got the result you thought it would or hoped it would. Are you really making the world a better place.
It sounds simple, its not. But ultimately, we just want to make sure that we make the relationship between your money and where you spend your money more transparent so you can make better decisions.
Just like the charities do.