What does it mean to give?
For anyone who has recently been to the supermarket, had to replace a white good, repair their car or buy new clothes, the cost of living crisis is real. There is no getting away from it, things have got more expensive and life has got just that little bit more difficult.
So why would you give?
This is the classic question. And its not a simple one to answer.
Is there any moral duty to give? Not really. The money you earn is yours. You have to look after yourself, your families, prepare for your future.
Is there a financial benefit? Well no. Not unless you are an extremely wealthy person. There aren’t really tax benefits that are going to greatly affect the majority of us.
So why do it?
Well, the simple answer is that you care. You care about a cause, bettering the society you live in or supporting those who need it most to improve the world. Maybe you care about the environment or animals, children’s education or health, homelessness or access to the arts.
These are all great causes and they really do impact individuals and the societies in which they live.
By giving a little, you are making the world just that little bit better.
Or you should be. We want to make sure that whether you can give £1 or £1,000,000 you get the biggest impact per £1 spent.
We want to help you see the impact you are having on the world.